The National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA) focuses on supporting evidence-based change and specialises in change management processes and making complex and disparate information readily accessible to workers and organisations. Our aim is to advance the capacity of organisations and workers to respond to alcohol and other drug (AOD) related problems. Our core business is the promotion of workforce development (WFD) principles, research and evaluation of effective practices; investigating prevalence, and effects of alcohol and other drug use in the Community; and the development and evaluation of prevention and intervention programs, policy and resources for workplaces and other organisations.
NCETA have developed a number of external sites to provide support including - Screening and Withdrawal Tools Collection providing a central location for AOD screening and withdrawal tools relevant to the Australian context. Your Worklife designed to help workplaces respond to alcohol and drug issues and to develop alcohol and drug policies - the central component of any response to workplace alcohol and drug issues. The National Alcohol and Drug Knowledgebase (NADK) draws on the highest quality Australian data to provide accurate and easy-to-understand information about alcohol and other drugs.