Established in 1992, NCETA was a collaborative venture between Flinders University and SA Health. Since 1999 NCETA has been funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care through the National Drug Strategy. NCETA is part of the Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute (FHMRI) and is located within the College of Medicine and Public Health at Flinders University in South Australia.
See further details about our following teams:
- Students
- Advisory Board
- Workforce Reference
- Collaborators
- and any job opportunities we currently have available.
Professor Jacqueline Bowden
Professor Jacqueline Bowden is the Director of NCETA. She is a behavioural scientist who has worked at the interface of research and public health policy for more than 20 years (particularly in tobacco and alcohol control, and more recently other drugs). Jacquie has a background in both psychology (BA (Hons) and PhD) and public health (MPH). Jacquie has held roles in academia, the non-government sector and within government. Prior to her role at NCETA, Jacquie was Deputy Director of the Health Policy Centre at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute for 7 years, and Externally Funded Research Fellow at the University of Adelaide.

Professor James Smith
Rural and remote alcohol and other drug use and interventions
Professor James Smith is an applied social health researcher with 20+ years experience working in rural and remote health policy, practice, and research contexts in SA and the NT, with a particular focus on improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and education outcomes. Professor Smith is recognised nationally and globally for his expertise in both health promotion and men's health.

Christina Norris
Research Officer and PhD student
Christina Norris is a Research Officer at NCETA. She holds a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) from Flinders University and has interest in understanding the social context of health behaviours to support population-level behaviour change. Her PhD proposal is about how imagery on alcohol products affects purchasing, consumption and perceptions of healthiness. Christina previously worked as a Research Assistant at SAHMRI in the Health Policy Centre.

Dr Ashlea Bartram
Senior Research Fellow
Dr Ashlea Bartram is a Senior Research Fellow at NCETA. She holds a PhD in Public Health with research interests in health behaviours and behaviour change, with her PhD thesis focused on how people negotiate the social consequences of stopping or reducing their alcohol consumption. Prior to joining NCETA, Ashlea worked as a Behavioural Scientist at the SAHMRI Health Policy Centre, focusing on research and evaluation projects related to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Ashlea has also previously worked in research roles at the Centre for Workplace Excellence at the University of South Australia and the National Centre for Vocational Education Research.

Victoria Kostadinov
Research Fellow and PhD student
Victoria Kostadinov joined NCETA in 2013, beginning as a Research Officer and moving on to Research Fellow in 2024. She holds a Masters Degree in Organisational Psychology and Human Factors from the University of Adelaide. Victoria’s primary research interests lie in the social determinants of alcohol and drug use, and particularly the role of the workplace. Her PhD is focussed on very high-risk drinking in the general population: comparing men and women.

Professor Richard Edwards
Research, monitoring and evaluation in tobacco and e-cigarettes. International profile in tobacco and e-cigarette research
Professor Richard Edwards is the Head of Public Health of the College of Medicine & Public Health. He is internationally recognised public health practitioner and researcher with a particular focus on tobacco control and achieving the smoking epidemic 'endgame'. His main research interests are in tobacco use epidemiology and tobacco control policy, particularly research to help achieve an end to significant tobacco use. He is co-principal investigator on the New Zealand arm of the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Evaluation project and President Elect of the Oceania branch of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT).

Professor Marita Hefler
Tobacco availability and priority group research including Aboriginal communities
Professor Marita Hefler leads a program of work to inform tobacco endgame through paradigm shifting tobacco control policies such as reducing the commercial availability of cigarettes. She is also Editor-in-Chief of the BMJ specialist journal Tobacco Control, and co-founder and co-chair of Project Sunset, an international coalition focused on research and advocacy for phasing out sales of cigarettes. Marita's tobacco control research experience spans a wide range of topics, including social marketing and use of social media, health warning labels, smoke free prisons, youth smoking prevention, tobacco use among people living with mental illness, socioeconomically disadvantaged groups, participatory community programs to reduce smoking among First Nations peoples, and tobacco industry monitoring.

Dr Joshua Trigg
Public health, tobacco and vaping control
Dr Joshua Trigg is an early career nationally recognised researcher in public health, tobacco and vaping control. He works extensively with community representative, non-profit, and health specific groups to improve public health, understand influences on health risk, and to support public health policy. He works with priority populations to address their health concerns, including adolescent and young adults, people living with mental health conditions, people with cancer diagnoses, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community groups.

Professor Billie Bonevski
Smoking cessation and preventive health interventions
Professor Billie Bonevski is a Behavioural Scientist, Director of the Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute (FHMRI), Dean of Research, and Matthew Flinders Professor of Public Health, College of Medicine and Public Health, Flinders University. Based on a range of different bibliometric performance platforms Prof Bonevski is globally recognised as a leader in tobacco control research. Using Web of Science data, she was one of only two Australians named in the World’s Top 20 Smoking Cessation researchers in 2022. ccording to SciVal she is ranked #3 in Australia, and according to Expertscape, in the top 0.01% of 35,653 PubMed Smoking Cessation authors worldwide.

Professor Natalie Walker
Clinical trials for smoking and vaping cessation
Professor Natalie Walker has a background in epidemiology and public health. Her primary area of interest is the conduct of large phase III, pragmatic community-based, clinical trials that have a strong equity focus, and inform clinical practice and policy. She works across fields, but has the most depth in identifying effective, safe and acceptable smoking cessation interventions (e.g cytisine and varenicline). She has published on youth uptake of e-cigarettes, and is an investigator on a vaping cessation survey and trial. She has emerging research interests in alcohol harm reduction, cannabis harm reduction, and methamphetamine and heart health. She is a member and fellow of the international Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT), and was former Dean of SRNT-University. She was recipient of the 2023 University of Auckland Research Excellence Award in recognition of the addiction research she has led.

Dr Kirrilly Thompson
Senior Research Fellow
Dr Kirrilly Thompson is a Senior Research Fellow with NCETA. She is a cultural anthropologist with a particular interest in how psychological, social and cultural dimensions of risk inform decision-making. Kirrilly is a qualitative and mixed-methods research specialist, having led research and consultancy projects of national significance over the past 15 years. In 2015, Kirrilly was one of ABC Radio National’s Top 5 Scientists Under 40.

Gianluca Di Censo
Research Fellow
Gianluca (Luca) Di Censo joined NCETA as a Research Fellow in August 2024. Luca completed his PhD at the University of Adelaide, researching sports betting marketing’s impact on youth. Passionate about addressing societal issues, he values the challenge of making a positive impact. His work focuses on societal substance use, particularly the psychosocial factors and young people’s perceptions of alcohol.

Sarah Powell
Operations Manager
Sarah Powell commenced in August 2023 as the Operations Manager at NCETA. Sarah has been working at Flinders University since early 2022 as a Project Manager within the Caring Futures Institute. She has years of project and business management experience working across various sectors in not for profit, small and large organisations.

Md Abdul Ahad
Research Assistant
Md Abdul Ahad is a Research Assistant with NCETA. His academic and researcher expertise is in child protection and drug abuse research. Ahad completed his Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Masters in Rural Sociology at Sylhet Agricultural University, Bangladesh. In 2023, he completed a PhD degree in Child abuse and neglect from the College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University. His PhD project is primarily focusing on the prevalence and impact of maltreatment of children.

Chris Holmwood
Addiction Medicine Specialist
Chris Holmwood is an Addiction Medicine Specialist who was previously one of the Directors at Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia (DASSA) with responsibility for hospital, community and General Practice Liaison. Prior to working at DASSA he was Clinical Director of the South Australian Prison Health Service 2002-2006. His professional interest is in helping non-addiction-specialist services care for people with substance use problems better.

Stefano Zaccagnini
PhD Student
Stefano Zaccagnini commenced his PhD research in May 2024 on high risk drinking among men. He has completed a Bachelor of Criminology (Hons) with a research background in cyberdeviancy and autistic traits at Adelaide University.

Nathan Harrison
PhD Student
Nathan Harrison is working on an implementation science PhD focused on cancer risk reduction through lung cancer screening, smoking and stigma. He has a background in behavioural science.

Gene Mercer
PhD Student
Gene Mercer commenced his PhD in criminology in 2023, focusing on evaluating South Australia's Police Drug Diversion Initiative. He has worked within Government for the past decade developing, implementing and evaluating social policy / interventions and holds a Bachelor of Behavioural Science, majoring in Criminology.

Joanna Caruso
PhD Student
Joanna Caruso is focussing her PhD research on the evaluation of ‘every moment matters’ national awareness campaign on alcohol and pregnancy. She works within the Health Policy Centre at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI), located in Adelaide, Australia.

Dr Robert Stirling
Chair and AOD workforce development expertise
Dr Robert Stirling has worked in the AOD sector for almost 20 years and holds qualifications in public health and community management. In his role as the Chair of the NCETA Advisory Board, he brings extensive experience representing the interests of the NGO AOD workforce and undertaking research to strength the capacity of AOD sector.

Mr Michael White
AOD peaks representative
Michael White is the Executive Director of the South Australian Network of Drug and Alcohol Services (SANDAS). He sits on a number of committees representing the non-government AOD sector including NCTEA’s Advisory Board. Mr White has worked in the non-government and education sectors for over 35 years. He holds qualifications in adult and vocational education, quality improvement and management.

Prof Billie Bonevski
Flinders University representative
Professor Billie Bonevski is the Dean of Research and Director of the Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute (FHMRI), Flinders University. She is a Behavioural Scientist and Professor of Public Health with 25 years experience in health and medical research which she can contribute towards NCETA’s strategic direction. Prof Bonevski is an internationally recognised smoking cessation researcher however she has broad research interests and expertise in preventive health research, improving care and reducing health disparities.

Prof James Smith
Rural and Remote Health, AOD and men’s health expertise
Professor James Smith is an applied social health researcher with 20+ years experience working in rural and remote health policy, practice, and research contexts in SA and the NT, with a particular focus on improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and education outcomes. Prof Smith is recognised nationally and globally for his expertise in both health promotion and men's health. He offers expertise in rural and remote health, AOD and men’s health to help shape NCETA’s strategies and initiatives.

Dr Victoria Cock
Addiction medicine specialist
Dr Victoria Cock is the Clinical Director of Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia (DASSA). She has been a medical doctor for over 20 years. Vicky obtained her fellowship in 2015 and has been working as an Addiction Medicine Specialist Physician with DASSA since. The first decade of her career was spent working as a Family Physician in marginalised peri-urban communities in South Africa. Dr Cock has been involved with NCETA on a number of projects and continues to adds significant value to NCETA’s Advisory Board.

Prof Janet Hoek
Behavioural scientist in tobacco control and Category 1 funding expertise
Professor Janet Hoek, Department of Public Health at the University of Otago, New Zealand, is Co-Director of the ASPIRE Aotearoa Research Centre and Co-Director of the Whakahā o te Pā Harakeke (realising the vision for a smokefree future) Research Program. Janet has led several Health Research Council projects. Her work has examined plain (or standardised) packaging and tobacco branding, and informed policy in New Zealand and internationally. Prof Hoek’s expertise in behavioural science, particular in tobacco control provides the NCETA Advisory Board with valuable insights.

Prof Geraint Rogers
Category 1 funding expertise
Professor Geraint Rogers is a molecular microbiologist and microbial ecologist. He is the Director, Microbiome Research at SAHMRI, leads a laboratory based within the Flinders University School of Medicine, and is supported by a Matthew Flinders Research Fellowship. His world-leading research program focuses on the contribution of human-associated microbiota to health and disease. Prof Rogers provides advice to inform NCETA’s research and translation funding strategy.

Adjunct Prof Scott Wilson
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander AOD expertise and AOD workforce
Adjunct Professor Scott Wilson is Director of the Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council (South Australia). He has a wealth of other leadership roles including being Deputy Chair of both the National Indigenous Drug and Alcohol Committee and the Alcohol Education Rehabilitation Foundation. He is also a member of SA’s First Nations Voice to Parliament. A/Prof Wilson’s personal and professional experience in substance misuse has made him a valued member of nearly every major governmental and non-governmental committee in Australia for more than 20 years. His expertise on AOD issues for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, along with his focus on workforce development provides critical input into NCETA’s planning.

Ms Melissa Bradley
Preventive health (AOD)
Melissa Bradley has a background of over 30 years in health and human services and has developed a wealth of experience in reform and transformation. She has a strong background in healthcare leadership and a proven track record of achieving positive outcomes. Mel is a results-driven professional who excels in leading change and fostering innovation within the health sector - with the innate ability to achieve tangible outcomes within a variety of roles. Ms Bradley has joined the NCETA Advisory Board because of her expertise in preventive health.

Dr Adam Searby
Drug and Alcohol Nurses of Australasia (DANA) representative
Dr Adam Searby is a registered nurse who has worked clinically in AOD and mental health settings. His research interests include the AOD nursing workforce, mental health nursing, including reducing restrictive interventions, aggression and violence in healthcare, nursing workforce wellbeing and sustainability. Adam is the current president of the Drug and Alcohol Nurses of Australasia, and remains active on a number of professional and industry boards including NCETA’s Advisory Board. Dr Searby provides his expertise in allied health to NCETAs research and translation strategies.

Ms Ele Morrison
Consumer and Peer Leader
Ele Morrison has been practicing harm reduction in life and work for over 20 years. Ele works at the Australian Injecting & Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL) as a Director of Advocacy. She has previously worked as a peer worker, manager and advisor in harm reduction services and programs in Melbourne, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Myanmar. Ms Morrison’s aim is to see people who use drugs leading all decisions that affect us, and the end of criminalisation of people who use drugs. On NCETA’s Advisory Board, Ms Morrison is our consumer-led national peak representative.
The purpose of the Workforce Reference Group is to provide an AOD workforce perspective on current and future activities and outputs of NCETA, and work in partnership with researchers and other stakeholders to:
- help shape NCETA’s activities and priorities by identifying areas of concern for the AOD workforce
- provide input into project design and conceptualisation
- be involved in discussions about project progress
- provide input into the development of workforce resources based on research findings
- be a conduit for encouraging the AOD sector’s involvement in NCETA projects and informing the sector about research findings and resources.
Work with us
We are seeking an outstanding candidate for a PhD scholarship to undertake a program of research within a broader MRFF Grant entitled “The power of parents: co-designing health communications to reduce adolescent drinking”. Click here for more information.