Feeling Deadly, Working Deadly

The 'Feeling Deadly, Working Deadly' Resource Kit is aimed at reducing stress and burnout, and enhancing wellbeing amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander alcohol and other drug (AOD) workers. It forms part of NCETA's work on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Worker Wellbeing. It was funded by the Australian Government Department of Health.

Although Indigenous AOD workers find many aspects of their jobs rewarding, they also face many unique stressors. These include:

  • Heavy work demands
  • Defining roles and boundaries
  • Role stigmatisation
  • Translating mainstream work practices to ensure they are culturally sensitive
  • A lack of cultural understanding and support
  • Geographical isolation. 

This kit is intended for use by Indigenous AOD workers, their managers and supervisors. Mainstream AOD workers and managers may also find the Kit useful. The Kit aims to reduce the risks of stress and burnout amongst this critically important, but vulnerable, group of workers. Download the Kit components below, or contact us to order hard copies of the Kit.

Contents of the Kit

The Kit contains the following components:

An Introduction

This information sheet explains the background and rationale for the development of the Kit and how to use the Kit. 

2 DVDs

A DVD containing all of the Kit's written resources.

A 'Day in the Life': A video resource which takes a humorous look at a day in the life of an Indigenous AOD worker.

Handbook -
Staying Deadly
The handbook of strategies for preventing stress and burnout among
Indigenous AOD workers.
7 Theory Into
Practice (TIP) Sheets
for managers and

These TIP Sheets are targeted specifically at managers and supervisors of
Indigenous AOD workers to help them enhance the wellbeing of their staff.
They can be used either as a package or individually. The supervisors' TIP
Sheets address:

S1. The complex personal lives of Indigenous AOD workers
S2. Indigenous ways of working
S3. Rewarding workers
S4. Mentoring
S5. Recruiting and retaining workers
S6. Clinical supervision
S7. Developing teams.

4 Theory Into Practice
(TIP) Sheets for
Indigenous AOD

These TIP Sheets are targeted specifically at Indigenous AOD workers to
help them enhance their wellbeing and help prevent stress and burnout.
They can be used either as a package or individually. The workers' TIP
sheets address:

W1. Worker wellbeing – A Guide For Workers
W2. Mentoring – A Guide For Workers
W3. Clinical Supervision – A Guide For Workers
W4. Goal setting – A Guide For Workers.

5 Case Studies

The Case Studies are designed to act as discussion starters concerning
problems faced by Indigenous AOD workers.

Case Study 1

Case Study 2

Case Study 3

Case Study 4

Case Study 5


A Talking Circle Guide A guide for conducting talking circle discussions which can be a very useful way to bring staff together to identify and address issues that can
contribute to stress and burnout in the workplace.
A Workforce
Development Checklist
An Indigenous Workforce Development Checklist for the AOD field.  Checklist_web.jpg
Online Directory of Worker Resources Provides Indigenous AOD workers with easy and user-friendly access to
worker wellbeing resources throughout Australia.
A copy of the Directory is also available on the DVD-Rom accompanying the hard copy of this Kit. 
Other Resources Post-It Notes and Bookmark.  Bookmark_web.jpg