What's happening?

Ice: Training for Frontline Workers

Ice: Training for Frontline Workers was developed by NCETA as part of the Victorian Government’s Ice Action Plan. It is designed to meet the needs of a wide range of frontline workers including those from the health and welfare, education, criminal justice and transport sectors

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National Alcohol and Drug Knowledgebase (NADK): New Methamphetamine Section

A new Methamphetamine knowledge base has been launched today by NCETA. It contains up-to-date information and data, in the form of 80 frequently asked questions (FAQs), about Methamphetamine, including crystal methamphetamine (ice). It forms part of NCETA’s National Alcohol and Drug Knowledgebase

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Preventing and Reducing Alcohol- and Other Drug-Related Harm among Older People: A practical guide for health and welfare professionals

The patterns and prevalence of alcohol and other drug use amongst older people is an emerging area of concern due to Australia's ageing population. This guide was developed by NCETA, in collaboration with Peninsula Health, Victoria, to assist specialist and generalist clinicians to assess and respond to the range of AOD-related harms impacting older people

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Slots & Shots: Gambling Resources for AOD Workers

Slots and Shots is a much needed suite of gambling resource for alcohol and other drug workers. It contains a tri-fold client handout, waiting room poster, a report, and a wallet sized quick reference reminder for clinicians.

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Drug and Alcohol Research Connections

NCETA is proud to contribute to the Drug and Alcohol Research Connections newsletter. This publication is produced quarterly by the collaborative network of alcohol and other drug research centres; National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) at UNSW; National Drug Research Institute (NDRI) at Curtin University; National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA); and National Centre For Youth Substance Use Research (NCYSUR) at The University of Queensland.

Connections Newsletter