Workplace Reduction of Alcohol Harm Program (WRAHP)

Project Overview

NCETA is trialling a workplace alcohol intervention to develop an innovative and comprehensive approach to the design, implementation and evaluation of strategies to reduce alcohol-related harm in the workplace. 

The WRAHP project involves the design, implementation and evaluation of a multi-faceted alcohol harm reduction strategy in Victorian workplaces located in the South East Melbourne area. The strategy:

  • Adopts an organisational and systems approach
  • Seeks to reduce alcohol-related harm by delivering a whole-of-organisation change program
  • Targets both the organisation’s working conditions and culture, and behaviour of the workforce.

The project commenced in 2012 and will be completed in 2015.

Project Partners

This three year study is being funded by VicHealth, and involves a collaboration with: 

  1. Flinders University’s National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA)
  2. LeeJenn Health Consultants
  3. The City of Greater Dandenong’s South East Business Network (SEBN).

NCETA is responsible for the development, implementation and evaluation of the project. LeeJenn coordinates the day-to-day project management, while SEBN assists with the recruitment of and ongoing liaison with workplaces.

It also complements the Australian Government’s Healthy Worker initiatives


Recruitment Process

Recruiting appropriate workplaces is critical to the project’s success. Workplaces need to have specific workforce demographics and workplace characteristics, as well as demonstrate support for the project and the capacity for change.

Selection Criteria

Workforce Demographics Workplace Characteristics

High prevalence rates for risky drinking and related harm

Large numbers of young male workers in lower skilled and/or manual occupations

A multi-site workplace that employs more than 100 employees at each site (preferably 200-300)


2-3 different workplaces (but with similar workplace and workforce profiles) that each employ at least 100 workers (preferably 200-300)

In addition, workplaces selected for recruitment need to:

  1. Demonstrate an organisational culture that values and practises reflection and learning
  2. Demonstrate commitment and support for the project
  3. Have the ability to work in partnership with a range of stakeholders
  4. Demonstrate readiness and capacity for long-term systemic organisational change
  5. Indicate a desire and commitment to reducing risky drinking and alcohol-related harm

Benefits for Participating Workplaces

Alcohol contributes to significant health, social and economic costs in the workplace.  The range of impacts suggests that economic, safety and health gains can be achieved by preventing and reducing alcohol-related harm in the workplace, providing a compelling argument for action. Specific benefits for workplaces in reducing alcohol-related harm include: 

  • A safer working environment with decreased accidents, injuries and fatalities
  • Increased staff productivity and performance
  • Compliance with occupational health and safety and related legislation
  • A decrease in worker compensation claims
  • Reduced absenteeism
  • Reduced ‘presenteeism’ (decreased work performance as a result of working while feeling unwell)
  • Decreased staff turnover and early retirement
  • Reduced operating, reputational and indirect costs
  • Improved work relations and staff morale
  • Improved health and wellbeing of employees.

Progress Updates

We have completed a needs analysis for each of the four recruited work places (2*2 design comparison and intervention) from the manufacturing sector and are currently undertaking a series of tailored workplace initiatives with each of the intervention sites.  

For more information about What Has Been Happening in WRAHP: