Below is a list of our latest publications. Please search for specific publications by AOD in the community, in the workplace or workplace development or by subject or year. You can also search by name using the search bar at the top of the page.
Young women and drinking, Volume 2: Development of a survey for young women in the hotel environment.
Authors: de Crespigny, C., Ask, A. & Vincent, N.
Date: 1998
Publication Information: Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia.
Publication Type: Report
A trial of relapse prevention with severely dependent male problem drinkers.
Authors: Allsop, S., Saunders, B., Phillips, M. & Carr, A.
Date: 1997
Publication Information: Addiction, 92(1), 61-73.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Alcohol and other drugs in the Australian workplace: A critical literature review.
Authors: Allsop,S., Bush, R., Phillips, M., Midford, R., Vincent, N., Ask, A., Duffy, J., Bailey, M., Fowler, G. & Sirenko, A.
Date: 1997
Publication Information: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia.
Publication Type: Report
Development of models of care for psychostimulant users: Final report.
Authors: Kamieniecki, G., Vincent, N., Allsop, S. & Lintzeris, N.
Date: 1997
Publication Information: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia.
Publication Type: Report
Harm minimization: Engaging police.
Authors: Allsop, S. & Nicholas, R.
Date: 1997
Publication Information: Selected papers presented at the Indian Law Institute/UNDCP/International Law Association. Regional Branch, India, International Conference on Global Drugs Law, New Delhi, 28 February-3 March, 1997. New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications.
Publication Type: Conference Proceedings
Impact evaluation of an education and prevention strategy in prisons for Aboriginal substance use: Interim report No.1.
Authors: Slack, J. & Dyer, K.
Date: 1997
Publication Information: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia.
Publication Type: Report
Learning objectives for methadone prescribers.
Authors: Allsop, S., Bell, J., Brough, R., Dwyer, P., Edmonds, C., Linzteris, N. & Mohindra, V.
Date: 1997
Publication Information: Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, ACT.
Publication Type: Report
Mood state and plasma concentrations in methadone maintenance.
Authors: Dyer, K., White, J.M., Bochner, F., Menelaou, A. & Somogyi, A.
Date: 1997
Publication Information: In L. Harris (Ed). Problems of Drug Dependence. NIDA Research Monograph No 174, Rockville: NIDA, p301.
Publication Type: Book Chapter
National review of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander alcohol and other drugs education/training programs: Final report.
Authors: Power, B.
Date: 1997
Publication Information: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Health Services, Commonwealth Department of Health and Family Services, Canberra.
Publication Type: Report
Patterns of symptom complaints in methadone maintenance patients.
Authors: Dyer, K. & White, J.M.
Date: 1997
Publication Information: Addiction, 92(11),1445-1455.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Pharmacokinetics of racemic methadone in a methadone maintenance population.
Authors: Foster, D., Menelaou, A., Dyer, K., White, J., Somogyi, A. & Bochner, F.
Date: 1997
Publication Information: In Proceedings of the Australian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists, Vol 4: 150.
Publication Type: Conference Proceedings
Rapid assessment: A methodology to investigate injecting drug use in an Aboriginal community.
Authors: Shoobridge, J., Vincent, N., Wilson, S., Allsop, S. & Norville, I.
Date: 1997
Publication Information: Proceedings of Drug Interactions: Lifestyle, Culture and Gender, Winter School in the Sun, Brisbane.
Publication Type: Conference Proceedings
Responding to alcohol and other drug related harm in the workplace.
Authors: Allsop, S. & Phillips, M.
Date: 1997
Publication Information: Proceedings of Drug Interactions: Lifestyle, culture and gender, Winter School in the Sun: Brisbane.
Publication Type: Conference Proceedings
Responding to hazardous and harmful use of amphetamines: Final report (Phase 1).
Authors: Vincent, N., Allsop, S. & Shoobridge, J.
Date: 1997
Publication Information: Commonwealth Department of Health and Family Services, Canberra.
Publication Type: Report
Review of "Couple therapy for alcoholism: A cognitive-behavioral treatment manual".
Authors: Watts, S. & Raven, M.
Date: 1997
Publication Information: Addiction, 92(4), 489-494.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Validation and application of an assay for the quantification of (R)- and (S)- methadone in human plasma.
Authors: Foster, D., Somogyi, A., Bochner, F., White, J. & Dyer, K.
Date: 1997
Publication Information: In Proceedings of the Australian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists, Vol 4: 120.
Publication Type: Conference Proceedings