Who are the AOD Workforce?
A wide range of professions come into contact with individuals with alcohol and drug (AOD) problems as part of their work, including specialist AOD workers, health professionals (e.g., medical specialists and nurses), allied health professionals (e.g., as health and safety officers) and other non-health professionals (e.g., police and teachers).
In general, the AOD workforce may be categorised according to different workforce development (WFD) needs:
- AOD Specialist Workers
- Mainstream Generic Workers
- Police
- Indigenous AOD Workforce
- The Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Service Sector.
NCETA AOD Workforce Reports
Alcohol and other drugs workforce development issues and imperatives: Setting the scene [pdf 4,865 KB]
Roche, A. M., O'Neill, M., & Wolinski, K. (2004). Alcohol and other drugs specialist treatment services and their managers: Findings from a national survey. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 28(3), 252-258
Workforce issues and the treatment of alcohol problems: A survey of managers of alcohol and drug treatment agencies [pdf 1,084 KB]
Other Workforce Reports
Gethin, A. (2008). NSW alcohol and other drug non-government sector: Workforce profile and issues. Sydney: Network of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies (NADA) [pdf 1,775 KB]
McDonald, D. (2006). A profile of the Australian Capital Territory alcohol and other drugs workforce: April 2006. Canberra: ACT Health [pdf 874 KB]
ACT Alcohol and Other Drug Sector Project (2009). ACT Alcohol and Other Drug Workforce Qualification and Remuneration Profile. Canberra: Youth Coalition of the ACT.
Australian National Council on Drugs. (2005). Mapping national drug treatment capacity. Canberra: ANCD [pdf 3,159 KB]
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) (2009). Alcohol and other drug treatment services in Australia 2007-08. Report on the National Minimum Data Set. Canberra: AIHW [website]
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) (2009). Alcohol and other drug treatment services in Australia 2007-08. Findings from the National Minimum Data Set. Canberra: AIHW [website]