National AOD WFD Strategy - Stakeholder Consultation
The National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University, was commissioned by the Australian Government Department of Health to review and revise the National Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Workforce Development (WFD) Strategy (2015-2018) (the Strategy). A draft was provided to the Commonwealth in February 2023.
To inform this revision, stakeholders were invited to provide written submissions, guided by a Discussion Paper and accompanying Discussion Questions.
Review and Revision of the National Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Workforce Development (WFD) Strategy: Discussion Paper
Review and Revision of the National Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Workforce Development (WFD) Strategy: Discussion Paper Executive Summary
Targeted stakeholders were also invited to participate in one-on-one or group consultations with the NCETA project team.
In total, NCETA received 63 written submissions and conducted consultations with representatives from 16 organisations.
Non-confidential written submissions can be viewed below. They continue to influence NCETA's work on AOD workforce development.
This Project is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health