Below is a list of our latest publications. Please search for specific publications by AOD in the community, in the workplace or workplace development or by subject or year. You can also search by name using the search bar at the top of the page.
Effectiveness of opinion leaders for getting research into practice in the alcohol and other drugs field: Results from a systematic literature review.
Authors: Bywood, P., Lunnay, B. & Roche, A.M.
Date: 2009
Publication Information: Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy (16)3, 217-231.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Health professionals' attitudes towards AOD-related work: Moving the traditional focus from education and training to organizational culture.
Authors: Skinner, N., Roche, A.M., Freeman, T. & McKinnon, A.
Date: 2009
Publication Information: Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, 16(3), 232-249.
Publication Type: Journal Article

Indigenous Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Workers' Wellbeing Stress & Burnout Brief Report No.1.
Authors: Weetra, D., Freeman, T., Tovell, A. & Trifonoff, A.
Date: 2009
Publication Information: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia.
Publication Type: Factsheets
NCETA and workplace alcohol and other drug issues.
Authors: Roche, A.M.
Date: 2009
Publication Information: DrugInfo Newsletter
Publication Type: Magazine/Newsletter Article

NCETA Annual Report 2007-08.
Authors: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA).
Date: 2009
Publication Information: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University
Publication Type: Report
New horizons in AOD workforce development.
Authors: Roche, A.M.
Date: 2009
Publication Information: Drugs: Education, prevention, and policy, 16(3), 193-204
Publication Type: Journal Article
Optimizing clinical care through implementation of outcome monitoring systems.
Authors: Lawrinson, P., Roche, A.M. & Copeland, J.
Date: 2009
Publication Information: Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, 16(3), 232-241
Publication Type: Journal Article
Prevention of alcohol-related harm in the workplace
Authors: Pidd, K. & Roche, A.M.
Date: 2009
Publication Information: Prevention Research Quarterly, 10, 1-9
Publication Type: Journal Article
The capacity of mainstream alcohol and drug treatment services to respond to the needs of Indigenous Australians.
Authors: Roche, A.M., Pidd, K. & Duraisingam, V.
Date: 2009
Publication Information: Medical Journal of Australia, 190(10), 582.
Publication Type: Journal Article
The impact of work stress and job satisfaction on turnover intentions: A study of Australian specialist alcohol and other drug workers.
Authors: Duraisingam, V., Pidd, K. & Roche, A.M.
Date: 2009
Publication Information: Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, 16(3), 217-231.
Publication Type: Journal Article

The social context of alcohol use in Australia.
Authors: Roche, A.M., Bywood, P., Freeman, T. Pidd, K., Borlagdan, J. & Trifonoff, A.
Date: 2009
Publication Information: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia.
Publication Type: Resources
Workplace drug testing: Why the controversy?
Authors: Pidd, K. & Roche, A.M.
Date: 2009
Publication Information: Of Substance, 7(3), 18-19.
Publication Type: Magazine/Newsletter Article

A compendium of alcohol and other drug-related resources for law enforcement in Australia.
Authors: Trifonoff, A. & Nicholas, R.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund (NDLERF).
Publication Type: Resources
Changing workplace cultures: An integrated model for the prevention and treatment of alcohol-related problems.
Authors: Pidd, K. & Roche, A.M.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: In D. Moore & P. Dietze (Eds.), Drugs and Public Health (pp. 49-59). Melbourne, Australia: Oxford.
Publication Type: Book Chapter
Dispensing opioid substitution treatment: Practices, attitudes and intentions of community-based pharmacists.
Authors: Lawrinson, P., Roche, A.M., Terao, H. & Le, P-P.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: Drug and Alcohol Review, 27(1), 47-53.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Dispensing opioid substitution treatment: Practices, attitudes and intentions of community-based pharmacists.
Authors: Lawrinson, P., Roche, A.M., Terao, H. & Le, P-P.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: Drug and Alcohol Review, 27(1), 47-53.
Publication Type: Journal Article

Drug testing in schools: Evidence, impacts and alternatives. (ANCD research paper No. 371.784).
Authors: Roche, A.M., Pidd, K., Bywood, P., Duraisingam, V., Steenson, T., Freeman, T. & Nicholas, R.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: Australian National Council on Drugs, Canberra.
Publication Type: Report

Drug testing in schools: Evidence, impacts and alternatives. (ANCD research paper No. 371.784).
Authors: Roche, A.M., Pidd, K., Bywood, P., Duraisingam, V., Steenson, T., Freeman, T. & Nicholas, R.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: Australian National Council on Drugs, Canberra.
Publication Type: Report

Effective dissemination: A systematic review of implementation strategies for the AOD field.
Authors: Bywood, P., Lunnay, B. & Roche, A.M.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia.
Publication Type: Report

Effective dissemination: A systematic review of implementation strategies for the AOD field.
Authors: Bywood, P., Lunnay, B. & Roche, A.M.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia.
Publication Type: Report

Effective dissemination: An examination of the costs of implementation strategies for the AOD field.
Authors: Bywood, P., Lunnay, B. & Roche, A.M.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia.
Publication Type: Report

Effective dissemination: An examination of theories and models of change for research dissemination in the AOD field.
Authors: Bywood, P., Terao, H. & Roche, A.M.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia.
Publication Type: Report
Indigenous AOD Workers: We invite you to have your say!
Authors: Weetra, D.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: Intouch, 25(7), 1.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Methamphetamine use among Australian workers and its implications for prevention.
Authors: Roche, A.M., Pidd, K., Bywood, P. & Freeman, T.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: Drug and Alcohol Review, 27(3), 334-341.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Methamphetamine use among Australian workers and its implications for prevention.
Authors: Roche, A.M., Pidd, K., Bywood, P. & Freeman, T.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: Drug and Alcohol Review, 27(3), 334-341.
Publication Type: Journal Article
NCETA Annual Report 2006 - 2007.
Authors: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA).
Date: 2008
Publication Information: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia.
Publication Type: Report
Schools and drugs: Time or test?
Authors: Roche, A.M.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: Of Substance, 6(3), 21-22.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Social habits risk workers’ safety.
Authors: Pidd, K.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: Advanced Safety Magazine, 2 (4), 36-38.
Publication Type: Magazine/Newsletter Article
Strategies for facilitating change in alcohol and other drugs (AOD) professional practice: A systematic review of the effectiveness of reminders and feedback. [Review].
Authors: Bywood, P., Lunnay, B. & Roche, A.M.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: Drug and Alcohol Review, 27(5), 548-558.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Workers' drinking patterns: the impact on absenteeism in the Australian work-place.
Authors: Roche, A.M., Pidd, K., Berry, J. & Harrison, J.E.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: Addiction, 103(5), 738-748.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Young people and alcohol: A cultural shift?
Authors: Roche, A.M.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: Of Substance, 6(2), 14-15.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Young people and alcohol: A cultural shift?
Authors: Roche, A.M.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: Licensee Update, 10-11.
Publication Type: Journal Article

Young people and alcohol: The role of cultural influences.
Authors: Roche, A.M., Bywood, P., Borlagdan, J., Lunnay, B., Freeman, T., Lawton, L., Tovell, A. & Nicholas, R.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia.
Publication Type: Report

Young people and alcohol: The role of cultural influences.
Authors: Roche, A.M., Bywood, P., Borlagdan, J., Lunnay, B., Freeman, T., Lawton, L., Tovell, A. & Nicholas, R.
Date: 2008
Publication Information: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia.
Publication Type: Report
Alcohol and other drug use by Australian workers: A risky mix.
Authors: Roche, A.M.
Date: 2007
Publication Information: Of Substance, 5(2),18-19.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Can the Theory of Planned Behaviour improve our understanding of the influence of organisational factors on workers' behaviour?
Authors: Freeman, T., Roche, A.M., Williamson, P. & Pidd, K.
Date: 2007
Publication Information: Proceedings of the 7th Industrial & Organisational Psychology Conference, Adelaide, 28 June- 1 July 2007, p81-85.
Publication Type: Conference Proceedings
Clinical supervision in the alcohol and other drugs field: An imperative or an option?
Authors: Roche, A.M., Todd, C. & O'Connor, J.
Date: 2007
Publication Information: Drug and Alcohol Review, 26(3), 313-321.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Moderate alcohol consumption associated with wellbeing in women through the menopausal transition.
Authors: Alati, R., Dunn, N., Roche, A.M., Dennerstein, L.,Darlington, S., Guthrie, J. & Green, A.
Date: 2007
Publication Information: Climacteric, 10, 491-499.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Stigma and discrimination in health-care provision to drug users: The role of values, affect and deservingness judgments.
Authors: Skinner, N., Feather, N.T., Freeman, T. & Roche, A.M.
Date: 2007
Publication Information: Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37(1), 163-186.
Publication Type: Journal Article

Wellbeing, stress and burnout: A national survey of managers in alcohol and other drug treatment services.
Authors: Duraisingam, V., Roche, A.M., Pidd, K., Zoontjens, A. & Pollard, Y.
Date: 2007
Publication Information: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia.
Publication Type: Resources