A-Z Index
A Methamphetamine and Emerging Drugs Clinical Researcher Workforce Development Strategy
Call for Submissions A Methamphetamine and Emerging Drugs Clinical Researcher Workforce Development Strategy
A Review of Australian Clinical Guidelines for Methamphetamine Use Disorder
A Review of Australian Clinical Guidelines for Methamphetamine Use Disorder
Alcohol & Other Drugs National Workforce Survey 2019-2020
Alcohol & Other Drugs National Workforce Survey 2019-2020
Alcohol Education for Australian Schools
The issue of youth alcohol consumption has received considerable attention in recent years. Although a primary prevention approach has often been implemented in schools, the wide array of available programs makes it challenging for schools to determine which programs are optimal for their student population. NCETA undertook a systematic review of school-based alcohol prevention programs with results published in two handy resources
Beer, bongs and baby boomers: the unlikely tale of drug and alcohol use in the over 50s
NCETA in The Conversion: Beer, bongs and baby boomers: the unlikely tale of drug and alcohol use in the over 50s
Booze and Baby Boomers: the new risk group
Booze and Baby Boomers: the new risk group Listen to Professor Ann Roche's interview with The Wire about concerns that risky alcohol consumption among older Australians.
Congratulations Jacquie Bowden
Congratulations to Jacquie Bowden for receiving the prestigious Fellowship Award from the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA). This honour recognises her outstanding contributions to both the PHAA and the wider public health sector. With over 20 years in the public health workforce, Jacquie has been instrumental in advocating for and influencing policy and practice change across South Australia. She has also served as a mentor to many public health researchers and practitioners, further cementing her lasting impact on the field.
Creating healthy workplaces: Reducing alcohol-related harm
This report presents findings of NCETA's Workplace Reduction of Alcohol-Related Harm Project (WRAHP). It details the positive impacts that NCETA's Changing Workplace Cultures Model has on employees' behaviour and wellbeing. The report was launched by VicHealth at their Creating Healthy Workplaces Forum on 23 March 2016.
Drug and Alcohol Research Connections
Drug and Alcohol Research Connections is an online publication from Australia’s collaborative network of alcohol and other drug research centres: the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC), National Drug Research Institute (NDRI) and the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA). The latest edition is available now
Drug and Alcohol Research Connections
Drug and Alcohol Research Connections is an online publication from Australia’s collaborative network of alcohol and other drug research centres: the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC), National Drug Research Institute (NDRI) and the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA). The latest edition is available now
Drug and Alcohol Research Connections
Drug and Alcohol Research Connections is an online publication from Australia’s collaborative network of alcohol and other drug research centres: the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC), National Drug Research Institute (NDRI) and the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA). The latest edition is available now
Employee Assistance Programs: A 50 year perspective
NCETA has won a competitive international grant to conduct a historical review of the development and evolution of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) around the world from the 1960s through to the present time
Examining the patterns, prevalence and related issues associated with alcohol and other drug (AOD) use among Australian workers.
Examining the patterns, prevalence and related issues associated with alcohol and other drug (AOD) use among Australian workers.
External Course: Monash Master of Addictive Behaviours
An online post-graduate degree in the science, policy, prevention and treatment of alcohol and drug misuse, gambling and other process addictions. Apply Now!
Facilitator’s Guide to Using NCETA’s Online Ice Training in Face-to-Face Training
Facilitator’s Guide to Using NCETA’s Online Ice Training in Face-to-Face Training
Family Centred Practice in the Alcohol and Other Drug Field
This page contains all the projects and resources compiled by NCETA on this topic.
Feedback on NCETA Resource
We are delighted to recently receive feedback on our Opioid Agonist Therapy (OAT) in Australia book - that documents the contribution that OAT has made to public health and life of individuals in Australia. "I'd like to express my thanks for the incredibly thorough and useful history of OAT prescribing. This history has been extremely helpful in giving me a foundation of understanding. I really appreciated reading about the social, cultural, and economic dynamics that influence how policy and practice construct the prescribers, consumers, and drugs in question." You can find this resource here.
Flinders University 50th Anniversary Celebrations
NCETA is celebrating its successful partnership with Flinders University by highlighting our pioneering research programs and quality, user-friendly resources
Grey Matters Information Sheets
The Grey Matters Information Sheets aim to assist specialist and generalist health and welfare workers to better prevent, assess and respond to the needs of older people experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, alcohol and other drug (AOD) related harm
Ice: Online Training for Frontline Workers - New Topic
NCETA’s Ice online training resource was developed to help a broad range of frontline workers from the health, welfare, education, criminal justice sectors and other workplaces respond to people who use crystal methamphetamine and support their families, friends and co-workers. Topic 5.10 Working with Families was added in March 2018. This topic focuses on workers providing health and human services to people with crystal methamphetamine related issues and their families. It gives workers an overview of the interventions that can help support families, as well as referral options and mandated responsibilities. This is Australia’s only free comprehensive online training resource on crystal methamphetamine. It contains seven modules and 30 topics, and has over 11,000 registered users. To access this resource
Ice: Training for Frontline Workers
Ice: Training for Frontline Workers was developed by NCETA as part of the Victorian Government’s Ice Action Plan. It is designed to meet the needs of a wide range of frontline workers including those from the health and welfare, education, criminal justice and transport sectors
Ice: Training for Frontline Workers - New Topic
NCETA’s free online Ice: Training for Frontline Workers now includes a new Topic in Module 5. Topic 5.9 - Working in potentially risky environments.
Methamphetamine Symposium Slides, Video Presentations, & Resources
The key methamphetamine resources, and PDFs and audio visual recordings of the speaker presentations from NCETA's Methamphetamine Symposium held in Melbourne on 12 May 2015 are now available
Module 7 - Organisational responses
NCETA's ice online training for frontline workers - Module 7: Organisational responses now available.
National Alcohol and Drug Knowledgebase (NADK): New Methamphetamine Section
A new Methamphetamine knowledge base has been launched today by NCETA. It contains up-to-date information and data, in the form of 80 frequently asked questions (FAQs), about Methamphetamine, including crystal methamphetamine (ice). It forms part of NCETA’s National Alcohol and Drug Knowledgebase
National Pharmaceutical Drug Misuse Strategy
Project and Stakeholder Information for National Pharmaceutical Drug Misuse Strategy.
The NCETA team will have a booth at APSAD Canberra 2024 from Wednesday 30th October to Friday 1st November 2024 so make sure you come and say hi.
NCETA Launches New Resource: Responding to Pharmaceutical Opioid-related Problems
Responding to Pharmaceutical Opioid-related Problems Resource Launch
NCETA PhD student awarded VC's Prize for Doctoral Thesis Excellence
Dr Creina Stockley has been awarded the Vice-Chancellor’s Prize for Doctoral Thesis Excellence
NCETA Symposium 2024
NCETA delivered a Symposium showcasing their current work on Thursday 7 March 2024 that was offered in person in the Studio Rooms at Flinders University, Bedford Park and online via zoom.
NCETA Webinar Series
New insights on the AOD workforce: The AOD National Workforce Survey 2019-2020 Dr Natalie Skinner
NCETA’s new Director, Professor Jacqueline Bowden
We are delighted to announce NCETA’s new Director, Professor Jacqueline Bowden. Jacquie has a background in both psychology (BA Arts, Hons and PhD) and public health (Master of Public Health). Jacquie has been Deputy Director of the Health Policy Centre at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI). She has 20 years’ experience working in tobacco control, and she has managed South Australia’s Tobacco Control Research and Evaluation Program which informs all state policy, programs and interventions in tobacco control for the past 15 years. Over the past 10 years, Professor Bowden has broadened into the field of alcohol policy research where she now leads a program of research. She holds a National Health and Medical Research Council Fellowship to investigate messaging to reduce parental supply of alcohol to teenagers and is also leading an evaluation of a national campaign to raise awareness of the risks of drinking during pregnancy. We very much look forward to Jacquie joining us on 29 November 2021.
New Publications
In response to increasing concern about methamphetamine use in Australia, NCETA has released three new information sheets which aim to inform people about current patterns and trends in methamphetamine use, associated harms, and intervention options
New Publications
NCETA has developed a new workforce development resource for counsellors and treatment services working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities affected by methamphetamine use
Predictors of work engagement among Australian non-government drug and alcohol employees: Implications for policy and practice
Construction workers’ alcohol use, knowledge, perceptions of risk and workplace norms
Working at heights: patterns and predictors of illicit drug use in construction workers
Predictors of turnover intention in the nongovernment alcohol and other drug sector
Alcohol supply as a favour for a friend: Scenarios of alcohol supply to younger friends and siblings
New Publications
From eye rolls to punches: experiences of harm from others’ drinking among risky-drinking adolescents across Australia
New Publications
Strengths, challenges, and future directions for the non-government alcohol and other drugs workforce
New Report: Child and Family Sensitive Practice in the Alcohol and Other Drugs Sector
The Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) commissioned the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA) to examine policy frameworks that support or restrict the effective implementation of child and family sensitive practices in the alcohol and other drugs sector. This report presents findings from the audit, review, and stakeholder consultations.
New staff at NCETA bring health behaviour change expertise
The National Centre for Education and Training on Addictions (NCETA) is growing, and we would like to introduce you to our new staff members Dr Ashlea Bartram, Christina Norris, and Nathan Harrison.
New Workplace Project: Managing Drug and Alcohol Risk to Safety and Worker Wellbeing
NCETA is conducting a three year (2018-20) project to strengthen organisational, employer, and employee responses to AOD risks in the workplace. This project involves working with workplaces and employees to co-design a toolkit to reduce employee AOD use and help organisations and managers respond to employee AOD misuse and workplace related harms. For more information about this project and how to be involved
Preventing and Reducing Alcohol- and Other Drug-Related Harm among Older People: A practical guide for health and welfare professionals
The patterns and prevalence of alcohol and other drug use amongst older people is an emerging area of concern due to Australia's ageing population. This guide was developed by NCETA, in collaboration with Peninsula Health, Victoria, to assist specialist and generalist clinicians to assess and respond to the range of AOD-related harms impacting older people
Professional Development Needs Assessment - Methamphetamine Treatment and Intervention
NCETA is conducting a workforce development needs assessment to explore the views and experiences of alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment workers about the challenges involved in working with methamphetamine clients
Professor Ann Roche Interviewed on ABC News
Professor Ann Roche's interview on the ABC about the increasing levels of substance use among Australian Baby Boomers.
Professor Ann Roche Interviewed on ABC News
Professor Ann Roche's interview on the ABC about the increasing levels of substance use among Australian Baby Boomers.
Quantifying the Social Costs of Pharmaceutical Opioid Misuse & Illicit Opioid Use to Australia in 2015/16
Quantifying the Social Costs of Pharmaceutical Opioid Misuse & Illicit Opioid Use to Australia in 2015/16
Round 4 NCCRED Seed Funding Grant Applications are open
Applications are now open for NCCRED's latest round of seed funding grants. The grants are designed to support innovative clinical research for the treatment of substance use disorder due to methamphetamine or emerging drugs of concern. For more information or to apply go to http://nccred.org.au/generate/nccred-clinical-research-seed-funding/
Save the Date: NCETA Symposium 2025
Save Thursday 15th May 2025 for NCETA's 2025 Symposium that will be delivered face to face and online. More information to be provided soon.
Save the Date: NCETA Symposium 2025
Save Thursday 15th May 2025 for NCETA's 2025 Symposium that will be delivered face to face and online. More information to be provided soon.
Second edition of FundAssist out now
NCETA are pleased to announce that a revised version of FundAssist is now available to assist non-government AOD organisations to prepare, plan, and write successful grant applications.
Seeking research participants: Client perspectives on undertaking AOD counselling via phone or video
Are you someone who has undergone alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment counselling via phone or video and face-to-face within the past 12 months? We want to hear from you!
Slots & Shots: Gambling Resources for AOD Workers
Slots and Shots is a much needed suite of gambling resource for alcohol and other drug workers. It contains a tri-fold client handout, waiting room poster, a report, and a wallet sized quick reference reminder for clinicians.
Social Costs of Cannabis Use to Australia
Listen to Professor Ann Roche’s 2SER 107.3 radio interview to find out more about how cannabis use impacts workplace productivity and absenteeism.
The Grey Matters National Conference - Speaker Presentations Available
On Wednesday 1 April 2015, the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA) held a national conference on identifying, preventing and responding to alcohol and other drug problems among older Australians. The conference was held at the Education Centre, 4 Milner St, Hindmarsh, Adelaide. The speaker presentations have now been uploaded
The International Society of Addiction Journal Editors (ISAJE) announces the publication of the third edition of Publishing Addiction Science: A Guide for the Perplexed.
Publishing Addiction Science: A Guide for the Perplexed
The Results Are In! Insights From Australia’s First AOD Workforce Survey in Over 10 Years
The National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA) is pleased to announce the launch of the AOD National Workforce Survey National Report.
Walking a Tightrope - Resource Launch
Walking a Tightrope is a comprehensive resource for people who have a family member who uses both alcohol and other drugs (AOD) and violence in their relationships. There will be three events associated with the launch of this resource. The resource will be launched on Monday 14 April 2014
We need your perspective on the development of EAPs!
The National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA) is conducting a review of the development of EAPs, from 1960 to the present, funded by the Employee Assistance Research Foundation.